Caleb Brommer

Brief Bio

Caleb Bromberg is an educator, ba'al tefilah (prayer leader), and rabbinical student committed to learning and sharing a living Torah. After receiving a BA in Secondary Education and English from DePaul University in 2016, Caleb moved into the world of Jewish education, serving for several years as the full-time youth programming and curriculum coordinator at Temple Sholom of Chicago. In 2021, he received an MA in Jewish Professional Studies from the Spertus Institute after writing a creative thesis involving original translation and commentary of the Hallel psalms. Other credits also include: co-developer and facilitator of "Talmud for Everyone!" a SVARA-style mixed-level Beit Midrash, rabbinic intern at the Bronfman Fellowship, Jewish Education Consultant for BBYO, and Jewish Life Specialist at Moishe House.

Pedagogically, Caleb's eclectic and learner-centered teaching philosophy centers a rigorous, reflective, reverent, and revolutionary approach to Jewish material. He is particularly interested in building a robust, rigorous, and engaged Jewish world where we are are all committed to one another, all of humanity, our earth, and the Divine (whatever that means!). He is invested in developing individualized and collective Jewish devotional practices of prayer, text learning, language learning, and community organizing.

Caleb is a passionate and capable ba'al tefilah (prayer leader), capable of leading a congregation of any size in moving, accessible, prayerful singing. Caleb can lead any service with aplomb, including High Holidays and the chanting of megillot (scrolls of Esther, Eicha, Kohelet, Ruth, and Shir HaShirim).

Caleb is currently training to be a certified shochet (ritual slaughterer of kosher meat). Currently training in both ofot (birds/fowl), and behemot (cattle), Caleb hopes engage community members In learning where their food comes from.

Caleb's is currently training to be a certified mohel capable of performing all the rituals and rites of circumcision in a gentle, loving, safe, and inspiring fashion. In addition to brit milah (circumcision and Its surrounding rituals), Caleb specializes in facilitating affirming brit (covenantal) and naming rituals for babies of all anatomies and genders.

When not studying or teaching Torah, Caleb writes poems, plays music, and organizes towards a more just future, which is also Torah. His professional dreams involve establishing a kibbutz-style farming and learning community with his wife and chevrutah Rebecca.

Available by email six days a week:

Currently based in Washington Heights, Manhattan, NYC.