Arukh Lakol Birkon/Bentscher

אִלּוּ פִינוּ מָלֵא שִׁירָה כַּיָּם. וּלְשׁונֵנוּ רִנָּה כַּהֲמון גַּלָּיו.

Even if our mouths were as full of song as the sea, and our tongues with the jubilance of its tumultuous waves...

-       Nishmat Kol Chai, Shabbat Shacharit Service

I am the editor and translator of the Arukh Lakol bentscher/birkon. Our team’s goals were to craft a bentscher that...

1) is fully egalitarian when it comes to ritual, liturgy, and translation (e.g. liturgy for b’nei mitzvah ceremonies for someone of any gender identity, sheva brachot liturgy for partners of any combination of gender identities, etc.);

2) includes both Ashkenazi and Sephardi nusach/liturgy;

3) provides innovative and original options for gender-neutral and gender-equal language in Hebrew;

4) is accessible to people less familiar with the liturgy and Hebrew language, with thorough and user-friendly transliterations for everything;

5) showcases clear new translations that will offer a new perspective for indoctrinated readers and a useful tool for folks learning the liturgy;

5) is both completely traditional and entirely progressive.


Arukh Lakol is set to be published in the Summer of 2023 by Izzun Books (


For more information, visit our Kickstarter page: